学术报告:Formal Methods and Security
报告人:Pascal Lafourcade, Université Clermont Auvergne, LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand France
时间: 2017年7月12日星期三上午9:30
内容提要:In this talk, I present different formal methods that can help for proving the security. Using some dedicated Hoare Logic, I start to analyse some cryptographic primitives like block cipher modes, public key encryption or MAC. Then in a second part, I show how formal methods can be applied to verify e-exams protocols. Finally I conclude by listing some challenges in security for the next years.
报告人简介:Pascal Lafourcade教授在加密算法的计算机辅助领域颇有研究,已经发表了16篇国际期刊论文、46篇国际会议论文,并组织过FPS16、SDTA14等会议。