题目:Tightly Secure IBE Under Constant-Size Master Public Key
摘要:This paper proposes an IBE scheme with tight security reduction and constant-size master public key. This (partially) solves the first open problem posed by Chen and Wee [CRYPTO, 2013]. Concretely, the IBE scheme is built based on Wee's petit IBE scheme [TCC, 2016] in the composite-order bilinear group whose order is product of four primes. The size of master public key, ciphertexts, and secret keys are not only constant-size but also nearly optimal as Wee's [TCC, 2016]. We prove the adaptive security based on the decisional subgroup assumption with security loss O(logλ) where λ is the security parameter. Therefore we also make progress on the second open problem from Chen and Wee [CRYPTO, 2013].
陈洁博士,男,华东师范大学研究员、博士生导师,主要研究方向为公钥密码学。2008年本科毕业于苏州大学,2013年博士(后)毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,同年9月加入华东师范大学计算机系任副教授,2015年起任研究员、博士生导师,2016年期间兼职任里昂高等师范学院ENS de Lyon研究员。多项研究成果以第一兼/或通讯作者发表在密码学三大会议(CRYPTO、EUROCRYPT、ASIACRYPT)、PKC及期刊Designs, Codes and Cryptography、Theoretical Computer Science等上,获国家自然科学基金面上项目等资助。近年来,担任ACNS 2015、Africacrypt 2016、Globecom 2016、ASIACRYPT 2017等国际会议程序委员,为IACR会议做了大量审稿工作。