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学术报告:Automatic Search of Demirci-Selçuk attacks against block ciphers

发布时间:2017-05-18|| 【关闭窗口】
报告人:Patrick Derbez
摘要:First I will present the technique of Demirci and Selçuk as well as the improvements which led to the best known attacks against several block ciphers (eg AES, PRINCE, ...). I will describe an algorithm to automatically search for such attacks against a large class of block ciphers and highlight the main difficulties. Then I will show that a sub-component of the previous algorithm can be used to search for another kind of attacks: impossible differential attacks. Unlike previous algorithm which are only designed to find impossible transitions covering as many rounds as possible, our new algorithm allows us to directly search for the best attacks. Finally, I will discuss open problems on this field.
版权信息 中国科学院数据与通信保护研究教育中心
地址:北京市海淀区闵庄路甲89号4号楼 电话:010-82546536 010-82546537 京ICP备05046059号