Topic: Enhancing location privacy for electric vehicle (at the right time)
Speaker: Dr. Joseph K. Liu, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Venue: 4213
An electric vehicle is a promising and futuristic automobile propelled by electric motor(s), using electrical energy stored in batteries or another energy storage device. Due to the need of battery recharging, the cars will be required to visit recharging infrastructure very frequently. This may disclose the users' private information, such as their location, which may expose users' privacy. In this paper, we provide mechanisms to enhance location privacy of electric vehicles at the right time, by proposing an anonymous payment system with privacy protection support. Our technique further allows traceability in the case where the cars are stolen. This work has been published in ESORICS 2012.
Introduction of the speaker:
Joseph K. Liu received his Ph.D. from the department of information engineering of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2004, and then worked in the University of Bristol as a post-doc researcher founded by the Croucher Foundation. He joined the Institute for Inforcomm Research in 2007 and worked as a scientist till now. His research interest is cryptography, especially the theory and application of provable security. In recent years, he also participated in several application research project and provided suggestions in security and privacy, including cloud computing, smart grid and so on.