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发布时间:2013-02-25|| 【关闭窗口】




讲座题目:Publishing &  Reviewing Articles in Elsevier Computer Science Journals


    You've completed your experiments and want to publish your work in a peer-reviewed journal. Are you wondering where to start? Do you want to learn how to structure your paper, or what to include in a cover letter? Is the submission and peer-review process a mystery to you? Perhaps you've submitted your work before and are in need of some guidance interpreting and responding to reviewer comments. Or maybe you've been selected to review a manuscript and find yourself asking: Am I qualified? What are the editors looking for in a good quality review? How can I benefit from being a reviewer? If this sounds familiar to you, welcome to the Elsevier Author Workshop and learn some tips from the Publishing Editor.

    This is a 1.5-hour workshop for new authors looking to gain insight into publishing and reviewing articles in Elsevier Computer Science journals. This Author Workshop will advise, provide tips to authors to improve the quality of their manuscripts and thus increase their chances of their papers being accepted for publication in reputable, international, ISI listed journals.


    Liyue Zhao currently works as a journal Publisher (Publishing Editor) at Elsevier. He manages the journal portfolio "Computer Communications, Security, and Microelectronics", which includes 17 journal titles such as Computer Networks, Computers & Security, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, etc. Before joining Elsevier, he was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Central Florida.




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